Creating goosebumps is the core of our work. And we believe in experiences serving as launch pads for credible communication.
Anticipation, Momentum and Memory – if you’re doing it right, you create conversation pieces, “Gesprächsstoff”, starting with an early pre-event ramp-up and ideally lasting forever.
We create live experiences and impactful content and amplify them with integrated communication concepts for our clients’ targeted audiences and beyond.
Not so much “The Agency” as our clients’ on-board support, we often join the process long before the event-production specialists take over. We’re not just working FOR our clients but WITH them. We temporarily infuse leadership, strategy, marketing or internal communication teams and act as a catalyst for their projects.
Always operating at eye level, we are ready to plug in and plug out at any point of a project's lifecycle, according to our clients' needs. We stand with them, based on strong expertise and 25y of experience, with the courage of an independent opinion and without any downstream implementation interests.